Travel between London and Exeter

London Paddington to Exeter

The fastest and most convenient way to travel between Exeter and London is on a fast inter-city train. The fastest trains are operated by First Great Western and connect Exeter St David's station with London Paddington station. The trains are frequent, running hourly and usually require about 2 hours and 20 minutes to connect Exeter with London. First Great Western offer a huge number of different ticket types, including Super Advance return, 1st APEX return, Saver return, Standard open return and Saver first return. Fares for a return journey range from 22 pounds for an APEX return to 244 pounds for a First Open return. First Great Western have launched a new class of tickets called FirstMinuteFares. These are advance purchase single (one-way) tickets. There are two main categories of tickets; Leisure for off-peak travel and Business for peak services. The cheapest FirstMinute fare between Exeter and London costs 12 pounds. The best deals are usually available when the ticket is purchased about a month before the date of travel direct from the First Great Western website.

London Waterloo to Exeter

A slower, less frequent, train service is operated by South West trains between Exeter St David's station and London Waterloo station via Exeter Central station. A typical journey requires about 4 hours and trains run about every 3 hours. This service takes a more scenic southerly route (than the London Paddington route) and passes through Honiton, Axminster, Yeovil Junction, Gillingham, Salisbury and Clapham Junction stations. It is possible to get cheap fares on the Exeter to London Waterloo service when booked through Megatrain. Only off-peak services are offered and prices for a single journey (one-way) start from 5 pounds. The best deals from Megatrain are usually available when the ticket is booked at least 2 weeks in advance.

London Victoria to Exeter by Coach

Coach (Bus) travel between London and Exeter is usually cheaper but slower than travel by train. Megabus offer a service between London Victoria, Greenline coach station and Exeter bus station. There is only one service each day and the journey takes 4 hours. The cost of a one-way (single) journey on Megabus is about 5 pounds. National Express also offers a coach service between London Victoria coach station and Exeter bus station. Journey times range from 4 hours and 10 minutes to 5 hours and 35 minutes. Coaches run about every 2 hours. Prices for a one-way journey range from 1 pound to 13 pounds.

Flying from London to Exeter

There are no direct flights between London and Exeter. More information about flights to and from Exeter to destinations in Europe is available.
Exeter International Airport (EXT)
Flights to Exeter

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